Acadian Total Security

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Login  Sign up - How to download the app

The app is downloaded and installed like any other app for mobile devices. The following are instructions for downloading the app for each mobile platform. 

Android App

  1. Go to the Play Store.
  2. Tap the magnifying glass.
  3. Enter '' in the search bar and tap search.
  4. Download the app. It is a gray/silver icon with the logo on it.

iOS App

  1. Go to the App Store.
  2. Tap the search option.
  3. Enter the '' in the search bar and tap search.
  4. Download the app. It is a gray/silver icon with the logo on it

Windows Phone App

  1. Go to Marketplace.
  2. Tap the magnifying glass.
  3. Enter '' in the search by and tap search.
  4. Download the app. It is a gray/silver icon with the logo on it

BlackBerry App

Primary Method
  1. Open the web browser on the BlackBerry device.
  2. Enter in the URL bar.
  3. Follow the instructions to download the app.
Secondary Method
  1. Enter in the phone's web browser.
  2. Select Download.
  3. Select Yes for the application permissions section.
  4. The following message will appear: The application was successfully installed. Press OK or Run.

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